Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jungle Fever

So often times my roommates and I will have these "Black Women Forums". We will discuss different thins from dating to the rainbow coalition. 

'But you stay right, girl
But when you get on, he leave yo' ass for a white girl'

A couple times we have discussed interracial dating. Then we went off on talking about jungle fever. [I've got jungle fever, she's got jungle fever
We've got jungle fever, we're in love!] Jungle fever goes both ways to me. 

When referring to it, people assume jungle fever is a male thing, For example I looked up 'Jungle Fever' in google images and most of the pictures were of black men with a white woman. [Try it and see for yourself].

But women can have jungle fever too! [Halle Berry?

I personally think she can rock, why? because he is a damn good looking man, AND her past relationships she was with black men & what did they do? they CHEATED! Who cheats on HALLE BERRY?! smh. [fools do!

I guess black women just stay more in their race when it comes to dating? 

The video below I found on youtube from the movie 'Jungle Fever'. I think its funny.

I feel like this shows all the things some black women WANT to say but never do. 

What is your take on 'jungle fever' and interracial dating? [comment below] 



  1. My man is White and I love him, And i'd love him if he was black, orange, purple or red!!
    And we are not together cause i couldn't find a a "good" black man!!
    Im with him cause he is GOOD man all around
