Monday, November 15, 2010

Booger Pickin'!

The Hood Booger Crusade--Its movin'! *Red Cafe Voice*

So Vado got a video for his song 'Polo' (remix) with Yung Dro. [I think Vado looks good.]

But this video had me thinking... "Why everybody wearing Polo, NOW? It's always been around."  

I think I started noticing it last year, that EVERY dude had on Polo, If it wasn't the Rugby shirts they had on the hoodies. I thought it was a Brooklyn thing but then i peeped it in Harlem [where VADO is from--duh!]

It's just not Polo though, people just been rocking that big name fashion stuff, not to mention expensive

I know you have seen dudes in a shiny Moncler coat or vest, Prada/Louis/Gucci sneakers, or the hard exterior Ugg boots with the True Religion jeans & the Burberry hoodie. 

Or the girls in the Ugg boots [I won't front, I do own a pair] the Juicy Couture sweat suit or the Victoria Secret PINK sweat suit. With the little bag with the teacup Yorkie in tow. [the official hood booger/hood rat dog]

[OH & girls wear Ruby Polos too]

They dudes also like rocking the Polo or Burberry draws and got their jeans saggin so you can see them. I do not need to know that you have on expensive draws! AND they like rocking the Polo pajama pants, nobody sees you in your sleep, what you need to sleep in style for? [-__-] People will argue 'But they wear them outside' But why? are they not for inside? Nobody needs to be walking around with 100 plus horses on their pants, you're not a jockey. 

I'm not saying the attire is what makes the person a booger, because i know plenty of people who obtain these items of clothing [myself included] and are not considered boogers. 

A 'HOOD BOOGER' is defined as: 
1. A girl or guy that will never leave their hood their ghetto.
2.  A skank [men are skanks too] from the hood that's messed with everyone in the same hood 

*I presume that those identified as 'hood boogers' also proceed to be 'hood rich' 

1. Exhibiting flamboyant spending habits, while doing nothing to improve one’s living conditions
2. With extravagent luxuries that they clearly cannot afford and they live in the hood or have a hood lifestyle
3. A Repo-Man's wet dream. 

BUT I know you have seen these people dressed in this attire BUT they riding the B82 bus to Rockaway or gallivanting around Broadway Junction & Jamaica Station in Queens #stopit5--now you can EASILY identify a hood booger. 

*Yung Dro gained weight though...But it looks good on him, he looks better this way. 

This songs goes hard though and I like the video so I posted it. Enjoy :)

Polo this, Polo That!
*So next time you making your moves and you peep one--PICK IT-pull out the Puffs tissues, 'cause the boogers is out!


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